Friday, August 5, 2011

I have no fear around [______] anymore

hey my brain was just spinning as usual and I was thinking "hey why am I able to watch/do things today that I used to avoid like the plague?..."
Take this example:
Anyone with strong opinions on religion (documentaries or conversations around this area).  I used to avoid anything around this area and turned the channel or avoided the conversation/changed the was just too fearful.
Reason I can watch watch/talk about this subject now?
I have no fear around it anymore.. because I understand that all paths/no paths lead to the same place, (all paths are illusions anyway), so I don't have the fear about being 'wrong' and what that would mean if I was wrong?  i.e., would i end up in 'hell' if I was wrong and 'they' were right?  I can't be wrong about an illusion  It's that simple:
Now that my fear has been removed around this issue, i am at peace; and it cannot be shaken.
Now I can let people say/believe what they want because I realize it's all illusion anyway, that only common/shared interests are real, and any feeling that I need to 'be right" is just FEAR disguised as the ego..(so I can blame the ego, instead of just acknowledging "I have fear around __________").
When I am certain there are no consequences, fear disappears.
I'm going to explore this topic more and let you know what I find.. but I'm pretty sure it's going to be peace. [-( not talking

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