When I feel like 'I should' or 'ought to' do anything -- that includes Forgiveness -- then I have unwittingly brought my false self (ego) to replace my true Self (my identity as love) -- because love does not or cannot demand anything...
Love sits quietly and waits and does not judge (so it would never need to do anything; so there is nothing it should or would or could do -- in fact it cannot do anything)
So, just by making the observation that I'm feeling that 'tinge' of guilt (the shoulda/coulda/woulda/oughta), I can recognize that as a red flag as the ego's offering of guilt to my decision making mind -- if I decide to choose for guilt
But forgiveness gives me an alternative -- there is another choice which appears to be its opposite (if that were possible) -- to be in the moment and extend love
Parting thought: I can make the choice to experience love in this moment whenever I feel the need that i really should/ought to do anything -- peace will be the reward
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