Thursday, September 23, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Forgiveness Required As Long As I Perceive Needs

When I can step back and look at the "life" that I seem to be experiencing; only then can I see that my need for forgiveness is only "required" because I perceive that I have needs other than being that perfect expression of peace and love -- in two words -- GOD IS

Any other my 'perceived needs' which include my need for self love, or the need for love and companionship from others, moreover, needing anything or anyone in the world to "be" a certain way; or stated another way -- that anything needs to change in the world before I can have peace of mind, requires only forgiveness to undo that thought

Parting thought:  At any time, I can step back and  change my mind's purpose -- forgive -- outside of the dream, to see things as they really are; not how I want to see them; only then will I experience real peace

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Forgiveness: Changing the Goal/Purpose

Been thinking about my peace of mind and particularly my lack of it and its causes.

Could one of the possible "causes" of my lack of peace be my unconscious pre-decision that I really do not want peace?  That I would not know how to navigate in my world without the constant undercurrent of fear, pain, victimization, discomfort, discontent, and disappointment?

Perhaps one option could be to 'wipe the slate clean' or 'lay aside' my unconscious goals.

One way I could practice consciously is when I notice that I am experiencing the effects of 'my unconscious goal' to remember that I have another choice and to recognize that I am just too afraid in this moment to let it go; nothing more.

Just by acknowledging what I am REALLY doing may be enough to take away any 'guilt' from my thought and what will be left will be peace.

Parting thought: just admitting to myself that I am just too afraid to give up my investment in specialness may be all I need to open up the door to lasting peace


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Forgiveness Leads Us Back to Who We Are

So, we begin our "life" with the mistaken belief that we are separate, on our own, incomplete -- but that is just a belief; a mistaken belief -- it is not true, only our belief in it seems to be true

In reality, we are perfect oneness, perfect love, but at the time of our "birth" we mistakenly "forget" our true identity.

So we then spend our entire lives trying to reclaim that oneness which we actually never lost -- that was impossible -- but the mistaken belief that we could be separate seems possible -- and so we replay that original thought of separateness each and every moment of every day -- even in our dreams -- until we each come to the conclusion that a belief in a separate self does not bring us peace or happiness -- there must be another way to look at life.

Parting thought:  I can use every single thing that happens in my life to gently remember and "reclaim" that thought of perfect love and peace that I never really lost; I only thought I did; here's to remembering who I truly am