Lately, it is easier for me to think of everything I experience as just a symbol of a projected thought in my mind (my movie); so it is I who gives 'my life' all its meaning by my thoughts; nothing external.
I like to think of every experience as just another scene from my movie in which I can observe my ego (my belief that I am separate) and watch how I choose what I see in my movie and why and when; the purpose is always to see myself as individual and separate; apart from others...but sometimes I can remember to just observe the scene and watch my ego's judgements; and when I do, my experience is that I don't take anything I'm seeing in my movie as seriously. Most of the time, however, I forget and remain asleep; unaware that I'm making this all up. But when I get those brief respites of peace then I realize and can admit to myself that I, in fact, do believe I have an ego with all those awful, loveless, fearful thoughts; but with this admission is the key to peace.
So, simply by admitting that I have an ego (really the belief in one), then I am able to watch how it operates until such time that I won't need it any more, as it has served its purpose -- to keep me separate and fearful -- because I will no longer have a use for fear -- and can be my true Self.